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My Tummy Hurts - AAC

4.2 ( 1792 ratings )
Developer: Michiko Perry

This app was created as a part of course assignment of HCC 742 Developing Interfaces for Rehabilitation in University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Fall 2015.
Based on the SLP’s request and description, we designed the interface to support students with ASD at a specialized middle school in Baltimore Maryland. The existing AAC systems they used are a grid-based format to display picture/symbols and it is not effective when a student needs to indicate the part of body where he is experiencing pain or discomfort. The SLP was looking for an ACC app to show a whole body so that a student can tap on the area to let the staff understand the location immediately. Then, as the user taps on one of the presetting areas (mouth, hand, leg, and so on), it segues to the next screen that displays the solutions (water, medicine, bandage, and so on) in addition to “I want something else.” in case he cannot find what he wants among them.
The design of this app is research based, yet very simple and straight forward. It is the first version and waiting for viable feedback for future study.
Special thanks to Manasi, Alex, Lauren H., and Dr. Kuber. Also thanks to Matthew K. with coding.